Abraham Hicks
“The secret of the universe really is minding your own business. What we mean by that is: don’t get so involved in the desires or beliefs of others that you cause confusion or chatter in your own vibration and compromise your own alignment.”
The Future Of Earth
“People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you.”
Clarity Through Contrast, Truly!
“When you focus on the good, the good gets better.”
Never Looks Back
“Stop asking others to be the change that you need in order to feel better. That is the freedom that you are looking for.”
The More You Push Against, The More You're Stuck
“We want to convince you that you are worthy enough, that the mere thought that you would like something, is enough to ensure the receiving of it.”
Satisfaction Leads You Into Worthiness
“There is nothing in the Universe that responds faster to your thoughts than your own physical body, and so aligned thoughts bring a quick response and obvious results.”
Let Fun Guide You
“You can sit and focus out of the Vortex and your life won't change at all. You can sit and focus in the Vortex and your life will change magnificently.”
Knowing How You Feel Now Is The Trick To Life
“If something you want is slow to come to you, it can be for only one reason: You are spending more time focused upon its absence than you are about its presence.”
Rampage For Aligning With Your Desires
“Being happy is a very personal thing — and it really has nothing to do with anyone else.”
The Trick To Receiving What You Want
"The greatest thing you can give yourself is freedom from what others think.”
You Have Magic Available At Your Fingertips
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
The Magic That Turns Thoughts Into Things
“Make peace with outrageous abundance.”
The Most Critical Step In Allowing Everything You Want
“Volcanic ash will be experienced in all parts of your world, as the volcanoes around your earth are simultaneously activated. Face masks and goggles will be of great value”
Train Your Expectation Of What You Want
"You are the only one who creates your reality. For no one else can think for you, no one else can do it. It is only you, every bit of it you.”
How To Connect To An Autistic Child
"What I think and feel and what I get are always a match. And so, if I want something different than what I've been getting, I have to, somehow, generate different feelings."
Your Body Is Responding To Your Thoughts Quickly
“The moment you say it the skies will open for you and the non-physical energies begin instantly to orchestrate the manifestation of your desire.”
Why You Should Never Give Up On Your Desires
"No one can create in your experience, for no one can control where you direct your thoughts. On the path to your happiness, you will discover all you want to be, do, or have."
Strong Desires Manifest Easily When Not Contradicted
“You’re not manifesting, you’re creating the environment that allows the manifestation.”
Your Path Is Perfect
“You are actually pre-paving your future experiences constantly… You are continually projecting your expectations into your future experiences.”
Intend It And Then Watch It Happen
“Your body is made up of intelligent cells that are always bringing themselves into balance, and the better you feel, the less you are vibrationally interfering with the cellular rebalancing.”
Celebrate Your Uniqueness
"You are not here upon this Earth to prove yourself worthy of anything, to anyone."
Find The Feeling Place Of Something You Don't Have
“The universe doesn’t know whether you have a million dollars, or whether you just feel like you have a million dollars.”
Become A Vibrational Match For Your Desire
“You don’t even have to talk about prosperity, you just have to stop talking about lack!”
Stop Denying What You've Already Created
"Reach for the thought that feels better, and allow the natural well-being that is yours."
How To Understand Your Source
"As you think, you feel, and as you feel, you ooze or radiate and All-That-Is, physical and non-physical, is affected by your offering. That is your power of influence."
Your True Power Is Knowing Your Wellness
“The appreciation that Source feels for you, never-ending, will wrap you in a warm blanket of worthiness if you will allow it.”
Revealing Hidden Treasures Everywhere
“Anytime you feel good, you’ve found vibrational alignment with who you are.”
How To Increase Your Expectation Relative To Big Desires
“The Law of Attraction says that that which is like unto itself is drawn. In other words, that which you think, at any moment, attracts unto itself other thoughts that are like it”.
Do This For 30 Days, And You Will Be Amazes
“Your work is to create the feeling in yourself even before you have the marriage, even before you have the money, even before you have the thing, even before you have the property.”
A Process For Finding Your Place Of Wellbeing
“You can’t watch out for bad things and allow good things at the same time. It is vibrationally not possible.”
Unleash The Power Of Now
"You are growth-seeking beings, and as you are moving forward, you are at your happiest.”
Be Your Own Self-Advocate
"It’s not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are a joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy-frolicking and eager. That’s who you are."
Anytime You Have A Negative Response, You Attract More Negative
"If you want it and expect it, it will be yours very soon.”
How To Allow The Universe To Pull You Into Inspired Action
“I like knowing that whatever I am willing to allow the universe will yield to me.”
The Secret To Tuning To A Better Vibration
"The creative life force, or energy of the Universe, flows through you and literally connects you to All-That-Is. Through your attention or focus of thought, you draw the specifics unto you."
What Do You Allow To Influence You
“When you believe something is hard, the universe demonstrates the difficulty. When you believe something is easy, the universe demonstrates the ease.”
The Best Formula For Manifesting The Specifics Of Your Desires
“When you are loving your children and expecting good things for them, you are tapped into the energy of your source and you’re flooding that all over them.”
Using The Intention To Increase Allowing
"You are the creator of all that occurs in all of your life experiences. You create your physical life experience through your thoughts. Literally, every thought that you think gives birth to a creation."
Beginning The Day Connected To The Source
“The most valuable skill or talent that you could ever develop is that of directing your thoughts toward what you want.”
Allow Yourself To Cash In Your Vibrational Chips
“Few realize that they can control the way they feel and positively affect the things that come into their life experience by deliberately directing their thoughts.”
Tiredness Is A Sign Of Resistance
“When you are focused on the desire for the money and taking score of the absence of the money, you are vibrationally defeating your own purpose.”
The Trick To Connecting With Your Personal Power
“As long as you care how much something costs, you have a limitation set on how much money you think will come to you.”
Magic Is Happening All Around You Without Resistance
“It’s not about action… it’s about vibrational alignment.”
How To Let Things Flow To You
“Your work is to consume your Now with the thought that feels best, wherever you stand, whether you are looking in the past, present or future.”
The Only Way To Allow A Perfect Body
"The only opinion, in all of the Universe, that is of true importance to you, is your own. And your own opinion of you affects the entire Universe."
Discover The Power Of The Neutral Zone
“As you practice your more positive better feeling story, in time your pleasure will become the dominant vibration within you, and then as you couple your pleasure with your means of earning, the two will blend perfectly and enhance each other.”
Obstacles Are There Only When You Put Them There
"From what you are living, amplify the things you appreciate..."
If It Feels Like Hard Work, It Isn't Working
“There is nothing, nothing more wonderful to do for your children than to live.”
Satisfy Your Relationships
“Everything That Is, is the result of vibration. And if you don't like the result, change the vibration, that's all!”
How To Find Balance In Momentum
“As you set a financial goal, it is not only about the expansion for yourself. It’s about the expansion of all of those who are involved in that which you are about. In other words, it creates this nucleus, this machine, that allows so many to begin to thrive along with you. It’s much bigger than finances.”
Unlocking The Power Of Imagination And Possibility
“A Vortex is a vibrational state of being that is a precursor of all positive motion forward of all that is. It’s like, encapsulated, condensed, straight-up Source. It’s pure positive energy. It’s the holding tank. It’s the anchor. It’s the touchstone. It’s the place where all dreams and wishes and hopes are held until we find vibrational alignment with them.”
Focus On What's Working
“The universe is not punishing you or blessing you. The universe is simply responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting.”
Taking Time To Reboot Will Change Your Life
“The thing that causes the most disruption in the parent-child relationship is your belief that you have something to control in their behavior.”
How To Shift From Feelings Of Unworthiness
“You can’t watch out for bad things and allow good things at the same time. It is vibrationally not possible.”
It's Not Your Job To Modify Yourself To Please Others
“You are not here to prove worthiness. You are here to extend the creation, creator, creating that you are.”
A Sure Footing For Sure Prosperity
“The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness.”
Relationships That Are Harassing You Into Expansion
“Alignment trumps everything. Stay off the subject that disturbs your alignment, and everything that you care about will come into alignment.”
How To Easily Connect To Your Spirit Guides
“You can get to where you want to be from wherever you are—but you must stop spending so much time noticing and talking about what you do not like about where you are.”
Self Encouragement Is The Path To Everything You Want
“If you’re not excited about it, it’s not the right path.”
Thinking Vs. Receiving Your Thoughts
"When you no longer split your flow of energy with contradictory thoughts, you will know your power."
The Power Of Unconditional Love Feeling Good
“Take 15 minutes daily, thinking of pleasant scenarios regarding your body, with the sole intent of enjoying your body and appreciating its strength and stamina and flexibility and beauty.”
Use Satisfaction To Move Up The Emotional Scale
“The secret of the universe really is minding your own business. What we mean by that is: don’t get so involved in the desires or beliefs of others that you cause confusion or chatter in your own vibration and compromise your own alignment.”
There Is No Price To Pay
“The entire universe is conspiring to give you everything that you want.”
Let The Universe Provide The Rendezvous Points
“Believe in what you want so much that it has no choice but to materialize.”
Practice Your Connection
"If you knew your potential to feel good, you would ask no one to be different so that you can feel good. You would free yourself of all of that cumbersome impossibility of needing to control the world, or control your mate, or control your child."
Doors Are Always Opening For You
“If all you did was just looked for things to appreciate, you would live a joyously spectacular life.”
The Process Of Soothing Physical Pain
“We want you to spend vibrational currency, not money.”
What About Genetic Engineering
“The purpose of your life is Joy. Your objective is to seek joy. Your objective is to find appreciation or pleasure or positive thought from wherever you stand, no matter how you got there. And when you align with that Energy, you are fulfilling your purpose.”
More Playful More Deliberate Rampage
“The universe does not know whether the vibration that you're offering is because of something you're observing or something you're remembering or something that you are imagining. It just receives the vibration and answers it with things that match it.”
When Life Comes At You
“Most people spend very little time basking in appreciation for the wellness they are currently experiencing, but instead they wait until they are sick and then turn their attention to recovery.”
Believe In Your Own Desire
“Stop asking others to be the change that you need in order to feel better. That is the freedom that you are looking for.”
Taking The Bounce Off The Contrast
“Everything you believe affects everything that comes to you.”
You Hold The Power To Stop Any Momentum
“There ain’t no “baby mama drama” up in this Vortex, homie!”
You Attract By Vibration
“A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality.”
The Easiest Way To Start Positive Momentum
“Life is always in motion, so you cannot be stuck."
Being An Influencer By How We Feel About Others
"It’s time for you to come into your own. Don’t hold back. You are the energy that creates worlds.”
Clarity Is Alignment With Who You Really Are
“When you visualize to overcome something that is wrong, your thoughts are diluted with the ‘lackful’ side of the equation. In time, your physical condition will acquiesce to your dominant thoughts.”
Bring The Magic Back Into Your Life
"Many want to point out 'reality' to you. They say, 'Face the facts. Look at what-is.' And we say to you: If you are able to see only what-is, then by the Law of Attraction, you will create only more of what-is."
Take Responsibility For Your Life
"If you were listening to the hypnotic voice of your Source, you'd be constantly hearing the drum beating that says, 'You are loved, and you are worthy, and you are valued and life is supposed to be good for you. You are worthy, you are valued, you are loved and life is supposed to be good for you'."
The Secret To Moving Beyond Doubt
“Love and appreciation are identical vibrations. Appreciation is the vibration of alignment with who-you-are. Appreciation is the absence of everything that feels bad and the presence of everything that feels good. When you focus upon what you want – when you tell the story of how you want your life to be – you will come closer and closer to the vicinity of appreciation, and when you reach it, it will pull you toward all things that you consider to be good in a very powerful way.”
How To Feel Good About Major Decisions Like Divorce
“You have the ability to quickly change your patterns of thought, and eventually your life experience.”
Get Into Feeling Self-Sufficient Before Assisting Others
“Find something that makes you happy and fixate on it. That is the answer to all things. It’s the answer to getting everything that you want.”
Do Not Try To Convince Anyone Of Anything
“It is not your job to make something happen - Universal Forces are in place for all of that. Your work is to simply determine what you want.”
Look For Positive Aspects
“The standard of success in life isn’t the things. It isn’t the money or the stuff — it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.”