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How can we maintain harmony and balance within ourselves and our homes?

Dear Kryon, with 4D collapsing, and an intertwining of multiple-D, how can we maintain harmony and balance within ourselves and our homes (to keep the chaos down)?

What a wonderful question! This, dear one, represents the entirety of the work of Kryon and the Kryon entourage. We will continue to channel and fill books with answers, teachings, and instructions about precisely this subject.

The first step? Claim your partnership with the divine. Once you begin to “own” this attribute, the answers to so much begin to show themselves. Your DNA changes, and your patience factor is enhanced.

Actually, 4D isn’t collapsing; it’s joining with the rest of the “D’s” as the veil lifts slightly. Indeed, the result could be chaos if you remain in an old paradigm. So the answer is to shift.


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